To start a business? A unique professional experience! The testimony of Étienne, 27 years old

“Right after my studies, I had neither family constraints nor responsibilities: it was the perfect time to start my own business. So, after my engineering degree, I did a master’s degree in entrepreneurship at EM Normandy for this purpose.

There was probably a part of unconsciousness because it is not easy to mount his box … But it’s exciting! This is probably the richest professional experience we can have! We touch everything: commercial, marketing, legal, administrative … We also meet a lot of people. Which employee can acquire such an experience so quickly?

I met my partner during my master. It was reassuring for me not to start alone, especially since we had complementary training. At first we did not know the banking market and were not web specialists. So we had to get informed and meet a lot of people.

In addition, it took us a long time to develop the necessary technology for our project … Sometimes it’s hard to see all his friends working in large companies, with good salaries, while you galley to find funding … But that’s it is, PayGreen has been launched for 4 months, and we are raising funds to invest and recruit! ”

Business creation: Étienne’s advice

Do not give up on difficulties! 
“Starting a business is like being on a roller coaster – there are ups and downs. The stress is permanent, you have to be thorough all the time … At first, some told us that it would never work. Fortunately, we were very motivated and ready to move mountains. We did not let ourselves be discouraged. “

Forget that you are young and just out of school. 
“Think in pro mode! The people you are going to contact are professionals. We soon realized that in order for them to trust us, we had to act as professionals. “

Tell yourself that your age is an asset .
“Our youth has attracted the interest and respect of people who have agreed to help us because they know how difficult it is to start a business.”

If your project fails, tell yourself that few young people will have had such an experience. 
“Entrepreneurship is probably the best training that exists. Today, I feel more open, I acquired a sense of responsibility, I learned to organize, I know how a company works … All assets that would surely make the difference if I had to look work.”

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