Create your business by being accompanied: incubators, nurseries and incubators

Incubators: test your full-size business project

Do you have a business idea but, before creating it, would you like to test your project without taking too much risk? The incubator is made for that!

An incubator, how does it work? 
The incubator accompanies you in your project and teaches you, in a way, your job as an entrepreneur through training sessions and daily advice from specialists.

It allows you to test your project safely by offering legal accommodation. You prospect, sell your products and invoice your services with the Siret number of the incubator, without having to register.

By entering an incubator, you sign a Cape contract (business project support contract) for a maximum of 12 months, renewable twice. Thanks to this contract, you keep all your rights! If you receive unemployment benefits or social benefits, you will continue to receive them.

How to integrate an incubator? 
To be accepted in an incubator, you must be a jobseeker, an RSA beneficiary, a part-time employee, coming from the so-called difficult neighborhoods, recognized as having a disability or a self-employed person.

Start by going to an information meeting to discover the device. If you are interested, you will have to fill out a file presenting your project. Your file will go before a selection committee, which will decide on your integration or not in the incubator.

Where to find an incubator?

Incubators: Ideas labs to start a business

Biotechnology, food processing, IT, health, art, finance … Whatever your sector of activity, the incubator helps young creators who have innovative technological or scientific projects. Incubators are often set up by big schools or universities. Thirty incubators are labeled by the Ministry of Research and Higher Education. 

An incubator, how does it work? 
Like the incubator, the incubator accompanies you from the idea to the implementation of your project. He can help you in the legal, technological, economic and commercial fields.

It offers training tailored to your needs and lends or leases premises. So, you will not stay isolated. It is a place rich in exchange of ideas and meetings between entrepreneurs.

The incubator also supports young entrepreneurs in their search for funding.

How to integrate an incubator? 
If you try your luck in one of the 30 incubators labeled by the Ministry of Research, your project must be linked to public research, or you must be the winner of the competition organized by this ministry. Each region has at least one incubator (PDF).

In private incubators, selection usually takes place in two phases. An application file must be sent to the incubator, then a committee selects the projects corresponding to the criteria established by each incubator.

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